Latest observations

379 items found, displaying 351 to 379.[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 [Next/Last]
Date Year Name Nr Breeding Remarks Location Country Source Entered by
09 Mar 2024 Southern Grey Shrike 2 Pair in season& habitat - Chad Tim Wacher info
25 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 1 yes Recently fledged young - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info egg
17 Jul 2024 Chestnut-backed Sparrow Lark 15 yes Recently fledged young - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info egg
17 Jul 2024 Chestnut-backed Sparrow Lark 100 yes Recently fledged young - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info egg
13 Mar 2024 Desert Cisticola 1 Regularly comes into camp from surrounding grasslands around 15:00 prayer time, and accepts (expects?!) to be given water, moving fearlessly among people. Chad Tim Wacher info
25 Jul 2024 House Bunting (E. sahari) 6 Same location as golden-breasted and cinnamon-breasted buntings Abeche to Biltine - Granite hills Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info receipt_long
25 Jul 2024 Helmeted Guineafowl 12 Seen and heard Abeche to Biltine - Granite hills Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info receipt_long
25 Jul 2024 Golden-breasted Bunting 1 Seen at same spot as house and cinnamon-breated buntings Abeche to Biltine - Granite hills Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info receipt_long
25 Jul 2024 Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting 6 Seen with House bunting and Golden-breasted bunting at the same spot Abeche to Biltine - Granite hills Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info receipt_long
25 Jul 2024 Brown-tailed Rock Chat 1 Simultaneious chat-like foward wing flicks, modest but clear. Abeche to Biltine - Granite hills Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info receipt_long
25 Jul 2024 Red-pate Cisticola 1 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info
23 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 20 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info
22 Jul 2024 Cricket Warbler 1 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info
22 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 12 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info
20 Jul 2024 Black-crowned Sparrow Lark 5 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Mahamat Hatcha Tim Wacher info
17 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 1 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info
17 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 6 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info
17 Jul 2024 Cricket Warbler 1 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info
17 Jul 2024 Dunn's Lark 1 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info
17 Jul 2024 Black-crowned Sparrow Lark 50 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info
12 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 50 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info
09 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 12 ? Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info
15 Mar 2024 African Collared Dove 1 Singing male in season &habitat - Chad Tim Wacher info
17 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 50 yes Singing male in season &habitat - - Recently fledged young - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info egg
16 Jul 2024 Singing Bush Lark 15 yes Singing male in season &habitat - - Recently fledged young - Chad Tim Wacher Tim Wacher info egg
16 Mar 2024 Yellow Wagtail 1 Tick behind left eye see photo. Chad Tim Wacher info
04 May 2024 Icterine Warbler Trouve mort, mort de soif en migration de retour au nord? Bague Budapest [HGB] P652717, bague a Isaszeg (Bokorsor), Pest, Hungary, 47.523 N 19.35 E, par Csortos Csaba le 20 aout 2023 comme juvenile. Rapporte par Moussa Aghali, Air-Info Agadez and Abdoulaye Harouna. Found dead, died from thirst on norhtward migration? Ring Budapest [HGB] P652717, ringed at Isaszeg (Bokorsor), Pest, Hungary, 47.523 N 19.35 E, by Csortos Csaba on 20 August 2023 as a juvenile. Reported by Moussa Aghali, Air-Info Agadez and Abdoulaye Harouna. Aderbissinat Niger Abdoulaye Harouna Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC) info
17 Jul 2024 White-throated Bee-eater 8 ? Visiting probable nest site - Chad Habib Ali Tim Wacher info
11 Mar 2024 White-browed Robin Chat Watched one in thickets on the Salamat river on a walk Chad Fraser Gear info
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