
Species: Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus) info
Number: 4
Remarks: 2nd CY M, adult M, 2 F/juv: adult M hunting on way SW: others foraging back and forth and swooping (lots of smal grasshoppers present): later seen moving SW: 410.0 m asl: : Hunt: Desert: Dillia-valley
Date: 2011-09-11
Source: Projet ASS: inventaire ornitho et formation Sep 2011
Location: dilia Achetinamou, block Tasker SE (Niger)
Entered by: Joost Brouwer (Brouwer EAC)


Busard cendré mâle/ Montagu's Harrier male visibility 151
Busard cendré / Montagu's Harrier visibility 128
Busard cendré / Montagu's Harrier visibility 147
Busard cendré / Montagu's Harrier visibility 131
Busard cendré / Montagu's Harrier visibility 158
Busard cendré mâle / Montagu's Harrier male visibility 158