Species list

1,324 items found, displaying 1,101 to 1,150.[First/Prev] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [Next/Last]
Scientific name English name French name Dowsett Obs BFA NER TCD
Onychognathus fulgidus Forest Chestnut-winged Starling Rufipenne de forêt Z31-0207 dataset
Onychognathus neumanni Neumann's Starling Rufipenne de Neumann Z31-0204-1 10 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Onychognathus walleri Waller's Starling Rufipenne de Waller Z31-0201 dataset
Anas discors Blue-winged Teal Sarcelle à ailes bleues G01-1215 dataset
Spatula querquedula Garganey Sarcelle d'été G01-12b14 262 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anas crecca Common Teal Sarcelle d'hiver G01-1209 47 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anas capensis Cape Teal Sarcelle du Cap G01-1208 8 dataset egg check_circle check_circle
Spatula hottentota Hottentot Teal Sarcelle hottentote G01-12b13 8 dataset check_circle check_circle
Marmaronetta angustirostris Marbled Teal Sarcelle marbrée G01-1301 19 dataset check_circle
Spermophaga poliogenys Grant's Bluebill Sénégali à bec bleu Z34-0701 dataset
Spermophaga ruficapilla Red-headed Bluebill Sénégali à tête rouge Z34-0703 dataset
Euschistospiza dybowskii Dybowski's Twinspot Sénégali à ventre noir Z34-1101 dataset check_circle
Clytospiza monteiri Brown Twinspot Sénégali brun Z34-1001 dataset check_circle
Cryptospiza reichenovii Red-faced Crimsonwing Sénégali de Reichenow Z34-0501 dataset
Spermophaga haematina Western Bluebill Sénégali sanguin Z34-0702 dataset
Mandingoa nitidula Green Twinspot Sénégali vert Z34-0901 dataset
Macronyx croceus Yellow-throated Longclaw Sentinelle à gorge jaune Z03-0404 dataset check_circle check_circle
Crithagra leucopygia White-rumped Seedeater Serin à croupion blanc Z36-02a09 289 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Serinus atrogularis Black-throated Seedeater Serin à gorge noire Z36-0210 dataset
Serinus capistratus Black-faced Canary Serin à masque noir Z36-0206 dataset
Serinus burtoni Thick-billed Seedeater Serin de Burton Z36-0228 dataset
Crithagra mozambica Yellow-fronted Canary Serin du Mozambique Z36-02a16 102 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Crithagra gularis Streaky-headed Seedeater Serin gris Z36-02a23 dataset check_circle
Serinus rufobrunneus Príncipe Seedeater Serin roux Z36-0229 dataset
Dryotriorchis spectabilis Congo Serpent Eagle Serpentaire du Congo H01-1801 dataset
Alaemon alaudipes Greater Hoopoe Lark Sirli du désert Z01-0601 845 dataset egg check_circle check_circle
Anthreptes rectirostris Green Sunbird Souimanga à bec droit Z21-0110 dataset
Hedydipna collaris Collared Sunbird Souimanga à collier Z21-01a12 dataset
Cyanomitra cyanolaema Blue-throated Brown Sunbird Souimanga à gorge bleue Z21-01c15 dataset
Chalcomitra adelberti Buff-throated Sunbird Souimanga à gorge rousse Z21-01e21 dataset
Chalcomitra rubescens Green-throated Sunbird Souimanga à gorge verte Z21-01e17 dataset
Cinnyris pulchellus Beautiful Sunbird Souimanga à longue queue Z21-0259 682 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Chalcomitra amethystina Amethyst Sunbird Souimanga améthyste Z21-01e18 dataset
Chalcomitra senegalensis Scarlet-chested Sunbird Souimanga à poitrine rouge Z21-01e19 155 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anthreptes aurantius Violet-tailed Sunbird Souimanga à queue violette Z21-0108 dataset
Cyanomitra oritis Cameroon Sunbird Souimanga à tête bleue Z21-01c11 dataset
Cyanomitra verticalis Green-headed Sunbird Souimanga à tête verte Z21-01c13 2 dataset check_circle
Cinnyris venustus Variable Sunbird Souimanga à ventre jaune Z21-0226 1 dataset check_circle
Cinnyris chloropygius Olive-bellied Sunbird Souimanga à ventre olive Z21-0232 dataset check_circle
Cinnyris bifasciatus Purple-banded Sunbird Souimanga bifascié Z21-0248 dataset
Anthreptes gabonicus Brown Sunbird Souimanga brun Z21-0104 dataset
Chalcomitra fuliginosa Carmelite Sunbird Souimanga carmélite Z21-01e16 dataset
Cinnyris cupreus Copper Sunbird Souimanga cuivré Z21-0253 7 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anabathmis hartlaubii Príncipe Sunbird Souimanga d'Hartlaub Z21-01f08 dataset
Cinnyris ursulae Ursula's Sunbird Souimanga d'Ursula Z21-0204 dataset
Cinnyris batesi Bates's Sunbird Souimanga de Bates Z21-0202 dataset
Cinnyris bouvieri Orange-tufted Sunbird Souimanga de Bouvier Z21-0247 dataset
Deleornis fraseri Fraser's Sunbird Souimanga de Fraser Z21-01b01 dataset
Cinnyris johannae Johanna's Sunbird Souimanga de Johanna Z21-0262 dataset
Anabathmis newtonii Newton's Sunbird Souimanga de Newton Z21-01f09 dataset
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