Species list

1,324 items found, displaying 1,301 to 1,324.[First/Prev] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [Next/Last]
Scientific name English name French name Dowsett Obs BFA NER TCD
Vanellus gregarius Sociable Lapwing Vanneau sociable L08-0311 dataset
Vanellus lugubris Lesser Black-winged Lapwing Vanneau terne L08-0308 dataset
Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture Vautour à tête blanche H01-1501 51 dataset egg check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Vautour charognard H01-1101 692 dataset egg check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Gyps rueppellii Rueppell's Vulture Vautour de Rueppell H01-1202 977 dataset egg check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Gyps fulvus Griffon Vulture Vautour fauve H01-1203 14 dataset check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Aegypius monachus Eurasian Black Vulture Vautour moine H01-1301 1 dataset check_circle
Torgos tracheliotos Lappet-faced Vulture Vautour oricou H01-1401 997 dataset egg check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture Vautour percnoptère H01-1001 227 dataset egg check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Carduelis chloris European Greenfinch Verdier d'Europe Z36-0601 dataset
Vidua orientalis Sahel Paradise Whydah Veuve à collier d'or Z35-0112-1 332 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Euplectes macroura Yellow-mantled Widowbird Veuve à dos d'or Z33-1311 9 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Euplectes axillaris Fan-tailed Widowbird Veuve à épaulettes orangées Z33-1310 4 dataset egg check_circle check_circle
Vidua macroura Pin-tailed Whydah Veuve dominicaine Z35-0108 62 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Vidua togoensis Togo Paradise Whydah Veuve du Togo Z35-0114 dataset check_circle
Vidua interjecta Exclamatory Paradise Whydah Veuve nigérienne Z35-0113 25 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Zosterops ficedulinus Príncipe White-eye Zostérops becfigue Z22-0205 dataset
Zosterops griseovirescens Annobón White-eye Zostérops d'Annobón Z22-0206 dataset
Speirops brunneus Fernando Po Speirops Zostérops de Fernando Po Z22-0101 dataset
Speirops leucophaeus Príncipe Speirops Zostérops de Principe Z22-0102 dataset
Speirops lugubris São Tomé Speirops Zostérops de São Tomé Z22-0103 dataset
Speirops melanocephalus Mount Cameroon Speirops Zostérops du Cameroun Z22-0103a dataset
Zosterops stenocricotus Forest White-eye Zostérops forestier Z22-0204-2 dataset
Zosterops senegalensis Yellow White-eye Zostérops jaune Z22-0204-1 63 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
1,324 items found, displaying 1,301 to 1,324.[First/Prev] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [Next/Last]