Species list

1,324 items found, displaying 701 to 750.[First/Prev] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [Next/Last]
Scientific name English name French name Dowsett Obs BFA NER TCD
Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt Echasse blanche L04-0101 730 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Hieraaetus wahlbergi Wahlberg's Eagle Aigle de Wahlberg H01-2905 61 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle Aigle botté H01-2903 170 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Hieraaetus fasciatus Bonelli's Eagle Aigle de Bonelli H01-2901 dataset
Hieraaetus ayresii Ayres's Hawk Eagle Aigle d'Ayres H01-2904 2 dataset check_circle check_circle
Heliolais erythropterus Red-winged Warbler Prinia à ailes rousses Z13-3101 3 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Hedydipna platura Pygmy Sunbird Souimanga pygmée Z21-01aa13 534 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Hedydipna collaris Collared Sunbird Souimanga à collier Z21-01a12 dataset
Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish Eagle Pygargue vocifer H01-0701 250 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher Martin-chasseur du Sénégal W01-0305 218 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Halcyon malimbica Blue-breasted Kingfisher Martin-chasseur à poitrine bleue W01-0304 33 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Halcyon leucocephala Grey-headed Kingfisher Martin-chasseur à tête grise W01-0303 244 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Halcyon chelicuti Striped Kingfisher Martin-chasseur strié W01-0307 49 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Halcyon badia Chocolate-backed Kingfisher Martin-chasseur marron W01-0301 dataset
Halcyon albiventris Brown-headed Kingfisher Martin-chasseur à tête brune W01-0302 dataset
Haematopus ostralegus Eurasian Oystercatcher Huîtrier-pie L03-0101 3 dataset check_circle
Haematopus moquini African Black Oystercatcher Huîtrier de Moquin L03-0102 dataset
Gyps rueppellii Rueppell's Vulture Vautour de Rueppell H01-1202 977 dataset egg check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Gyps fulvus Griffon Vulture Vautour fauve H01-1203 14 dataset check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Gyps africain H01-1201 228 dataset egg check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture Palmiste africain H01-0801 3 dataset check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off check_circlevisibility_off
Gymnoris pyrgita Yellow-spotted Petronia Moineau à point jaune Z32-02a01 3 dataset check_circle check_circle
Gymnoris dentata Bush Petronia Petit Moineau Z32-02a03 207 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Gymnobucco sladeni Sladen's Barbet Barbican de Sladen X01-0103 dataset
Gymnobucco peli Bristle-nosed Barbet Barbican à narines emplumées X01-0102 dataset
Gymnobucco calvus Naked-faced Barbet Barbican chauve X01-0101 dataset
Gymnobucco bonapartei Grey-throated Barbet Barbican à gorge grise X01-0104 dataset
Guttera pucherani Crested Guineafowl Pintade de Pucheran J02-0202 dataset
Guttera plumifera Plumed Guineafowl Pintade plumifère J02-0201 dataset
Grus virgo Demoiselle Crane Grue demoiselle K04-0103 8 dataset check_circle
Grus grus Common Crane Grue cendrée K04-0101 2 dataset check_circle check_circle
Grafisia torquata White-collared Starling Rufipenne à cou blanc Z31-0301 dataset check_circle
Gorsachius leuconotus White-backed Night Heron Bihoreau à dos blanc F01-0501 22 dataset egg check_circle check_circle
Glaucidium tephronotum Red-chested Owlet Chevêchette à pieds jaunes Q02-0502 dataset
Glaucidium sjostedti Sjöstedt's Owlet Chevêchette à queue barrée Q02-0503 dataset
Glaucidium perlatum Pearl-spotted Owlet Chevêchette perlée Q02-0501 141 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Glaucidium capense African Barred Owlet Chevêchette du Cap Q02-0504 dataset
Glareola pratincola Collared Pratincole Glaréole à collier L07-0401 83 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Glareola nuchalis Rock Pratincole Glaréole auréolée L07-0405 7 dataset egg check_circle check_circle
Glareola nordmanni Black-winged Pratincole Glaréole à ailes noires L07-0403 1 dataset check_circle
Glareola cinerea Grey Pratincole Glaréole grise L07-0406 7 dataset check_circle check_circle
Geronticus eremita Northern Bald Ibis Ibis chauve F05-0301 dataset
Gelochelidon nilotica Gull-billed Tern Sterne hansel L13-01*01 131 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen Gallinule poule d'eau K03-1501 243 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Gallinago media Great Snipe Bécassine double L09-0105 8 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Gallinago gallinago Common Snipe Bécassine des marais L09-0101 171 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Galerida modesta Sun Lark Cochevis modeste Z01-1401 11 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Galerida cristata Crested Lark Cochevis huppé Z01-1403 590 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Fulmarus glacialis Northern Fulmar Fulmar boréal B02-0202 dataset
Fulica atra Eurasian Coot Foulque macroule K03-1601 16 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
1,324 items found, displaying 701 to 750.[First/Prev] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [Next/Last]