Species list

1,324 items found, displaying 801 to 850.[First/Prev] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [Next/Last]
Scientific name English name French name Dowsett Obs BFA NER TCD
Ardea cinerea Grey Heron Héron cendré F01-1002 1034 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron Héron mélanocéphale F01-1003 778 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Ardea goliath Goliath Heron Héron goliath F01-1005 28 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Scopus umbretta Hamerkop Ombrette africaine F02-0101 403 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Mycteria ibis Yellow-billed Stork Tantale ibis F03-0101 177 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anastomus lamelligerus African Openbill Stork Bec-ouvert africain F03-0201 276 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Ciconia nigra Black Stork Cigogne noire F03-0301 59 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Ciconia abdimii Abdim's Stork Cigogne d'Abdim F03-0302 1018 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Ciconia episcopus Woolly-necked Stork Cigogne épiscopale F03-0303 206 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Ciconia ciconia White Stork Cigogne blanche F03-0304 792 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Saddle-billed Stork Jabiru d'Afrique F03-0401 145 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Threskiornis aethiopicus African Sacred Ibis Ibis sacré F05-0101 703 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Plegadis falcinellus Glossy Ibis Ibis falcinelle F05-0201 366 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Bostrychia hagedash Hadada Ibis Ibis hagedash F05-0401 309 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Platalea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill Spatule blanche F05-0601 23 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Platalea alba African Spoonbill Spatule d'Afrique F05-0602 149 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Phoenicopterus roseus Greater Flamingo Flamant rose F06-0101 1 dataset check_circle
Phoeniconaias minor Lesser Flamingo Flamant nain F06-0201 dataset check_circle check_circle
Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygne fauve G01-0101 51 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygne veuf G01-0102 742 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Thalassornis leuconotus White-backed Duck Dendrocygne à dos blanc G01-0201 2 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anser albifrons Greater White-fronted Goose Oie rieuse G01-0302 3 dataset check_circle
Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian Goose Ouette d'Egypte G01-0601 171 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Tadorna tadorna Common Shelduck Tadorne de Belon G01-0703 1 dataset check_circle check_circle
Plectropterus gambensis Spur-winged Goose Oie-armée de Gambie G01-0801 348 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Sarkidiornis melanotos Knob-billed Duck Canard à bosse G01-0901 476 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Nettapus auritus African Pygmy Goose Anserelle naine G01-1101 52 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anas platyrhynchos Mallard Canard colvert G01-1202 2 dataset check_circle
Anas capensis Cape Teal Sarcelle du Cap G01-1208 8 dataset egg check_circle check_circle
Anas crecca Common Teal Sarcelle d'hiver G01-1209 47 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Anas acuta Northern Pintail Canard pilet G01-1211 90 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Spatula clypeata Northern Shoveler Canard souchet G01-1216 97 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Mareca penelope Eurasian Wigeon Canard siffleur G01-12a05 9 dataset check_circle check_circle
Mareca strepera Gadwall Canard chipeau G01-12a07 2 dataset check_circle
Spatula hottentota Hottentot Teal Sarcelle hottentote G01-12b13 8 dataset check_circle check_circle
Spatula querquedula Garganey Sarcelle d'été G01-12b14 262 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Aythya ferina Common Pochard Fuligule milouin G01-1501 6 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Aythya nyroca Ferruginous Duck Fuligule nyroca G01-1502 13 dataset check_circle check_circle
Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck Fuligule morillon G01-1504 6 dataset check_circle check_circle
Pernis apivorus European Honey Buzzard Bondrée apivore H01-0201 14 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk Milan des chauves-souris H01-0301 6 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered Kite Elanion blanc H01-0401 404 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Chelictinia riocourii African Swallow-tailed Kite Elanion naucler H01-0501 781 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Milvus milvus Red Kite Milan royal H01-0601 1 dataset check_circle
Milvus migrans migrans Black Kite (palearctic migrant) Milan noir (migrateur palearctique) H01-0602-1a 20 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Milvus migrans parasitus Yellow-billed Kite Milan à bec jaune H01-0602-1b 1804 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish Eagle Pygargue vocifer H01-0701 250 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
Aegypius monachus Eurasian Black Vulture Vautour moine H01-1301 1 dataset check_circle
Circaetus beaudouini Beaudouin's Snake Eagle Circaète de Beaudouin H01-1601-1 126 dataset check_circle check_circle check_circle
Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake Eagle Circaète brun H01-1602 113 dataset egg check_circle check_circle check_circle
1,324 items found, displaying 801 to 850.[First/Prev] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [Next/Last]