Grey Woodpecker (Dendropicos goertae) / / [Hidden] (Niger)

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Grey Woodpecker visibility 123 © Barbie Kusserow

Equipment: Canon SX10

Ulf Liedén (WABDaB.org)    2012-02-24
Nice shot, the movement of the head is visible in the photo. Was it hiding nuts in the crevice?
Tim and Barbie Kusserow    2012-02-24
I don't know what it was doing. It hopped in and out of view, circling from one side of this branch to the other and tapping repeatedly.
David Kusserow    2012-02-24
Have you ever seen a woodpecker eating/storing nuts in Niger? I'd be curious what kinds they eat.
Ulf Liedén (WABDaB.org)    2012-02-27
I never saw any woodpecker eating nuts, and according to Wikipedia this species is an insectivore. I just got the impression, that the bird on the photo might have a nut in its beak, but I'm probably wrong.
Tim and Barbie Kusserow    2012-02-27
The "nut" is a well-placed shadow of the bark behind its beak. Its beak is open, but empty.
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